Seminar on Local Content Regulations for Power Projects

We are pleased to have our Head of the Power and Infrastructure Practice Group, Kirana Sastrawijaya, and our Senior Associate, Zuhal Dwi Saputra, to be invited to share their legal view on local content regulations for power plant projects development in Indonesia as part of the workshop held by PT PLN Nusantara Power (PLN NP) re: ” Integration of Power Project Development to Support RUPTL & Net Zero Emission.”


During the session, Kirana and Zuhal provided comprehensive insights into the regulatory framework of local content regulation for power plant projects, its evolution over the years, and its practical enforcement, drawing from their extensive experience in managing power projects in Indonesia and representing lenders, off-takers, and IPPs. With recent news on the potential revocation of the Ministry of Industry Regulation related to local content, they also illuminated the potential legal impacts and how it may potentially affect projects funded by offshore loans and grants.


PLN NP plays a vital role in developing and managing power projects in Indonesia. We are happy to have opportunity to be able to support them towards achieving their goals which are expected to contribute to the Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (ENDC) and Net Zero Emission (NZE) targets.


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Kirana D. Sastrawijaya
Senior Partner